

Teaching Practice day 1 -- Connecting the hearts~


 reaching out to the real world
190213 | SMKTPD

Harini kelas yang pertama untuk practicum...
Alhamdulilah dapat kelas yang paaaaaling atas dan kelas yang paling bawah....

Untuk harini masuk yang kelas paaaaaaling atas tu...
Tak tahu nak ajar apa sbb macam blur lagi...
Jadinya ajar WH-questions...
Budak-budak pandai kan, diorang dah tahu dah semua tu..
Jadi sebagai activity, mereka disuruh seorang demi seorang untuk tanya sesiapa sahaja apa-apa soalan tapi kena guna WH-question tags.....
Memang macam2 ragam soalan dan jawapan...
Pasal artis la, twilight la, kpop la,greyson chance,one direction..err..apa lg lupa..
Dari sini dapat tahu minat diorang...
Di samping belajar, ni salah satu cara untuk ice breaking supaya mereka terasa selesa dengan ticher baru..
macam2 soalan for me too, sampaikan sewa rumah berapa pun ditanya...hehe

Soalan yang terharu rasa is ada sorang student ni tanya kawan dia, "Why do you choose me as your best friend..."
oh so sweet..
Lelaki oke dua2...huhu

and the answer given by the student was, " because we are together since primary school." 
he stopped and they smiled at each other...
both of them are very bright students, both are in the top classroom and i am sure they help each other a lot....
I truly believe that your friends shape who you are and who will you be...=)
suddenly i miss my best friend since form 1...SHAMILAH...=(

Dah selesai activity tu, tanya pendapat diorang pasal poem yang dah belajar, I Wonder....
Poem ni pasal alam sekitar,
Jawapan seorang student ni nama dia Ravinna, dia kata dia suka sebab poem ni pasal nature yang yang orang selalu tak ambil berat...
From her response, sy pun dapat idea utk cerita sikit pasal nature...
Im so glad that i went to PPKA UKM-MNS dan SEE Nature...
Berkongsi serba sedikit pengalaman dan ilmu...
Dan cuba korek-korek on how aware they are to their surroundings..
Ada tanya, "how safe your environment are?"...
Tanya jugak "how long do you think the environment can survive and still be a safe place to live in?"
Tanya pasal kawasan PD ni dan kelebihan magrove..
Pasal carbon sinks...pasal migratory birds...
Dan tanya mereka "What do you do for the nature?"
Ada yang aware dan ada yg clueless..
Cerita pasal turtle makan plastics,dugong, otters....

Mereka sgt interested...
Dan sempat promote Raptor Watch yang akan diadakan nanti dkt Tanjung Tuan..
Ada jugak among them went to the raptor watch last year....

They cooperated very well...
Tomorrow will be going to the other class..
Let see how it goes...

May Allah ease...

Ps: satu perkara yang sy suka bila ajar English, good values can be instilled anytime and anywhere...

Pss: insya-Allah i think i should share as much experience during my teaching practice here as i could..
Psss: excuse me for my bahasa rojak

ah, and I would like to share one of my thoughts after what i've gone through today...it is kind of like a poem....*wah....im a poet!*

I don't want to be a teacher

I want to be a teacher that inspire students,
I want to be a teacher that courage students,
I want to be a teacher that help students,

I don't want to just teach,
I want to educate....

It hurts to force myself to just focus on the syllabus..
I think the students need more than just textbooks...

The advice, "Dont give face to the students,"
Sadly, i could not follow..
The innocent faces asking for attention are just too priceless,
They are so see through eventhough some are naughty,
But that is just it,
They(students) actually listen if we(teachers) talk the right way,
I know,
because then i WAS them...

Just teach--
i can't...

Is my aim...
I don't want to be a teacher
I want to be more

Sometimes we just forgot to listen...
